7 Social Media Facts for Business… and 1 Myth

By Wendy Allen-Belleville

Can you remember a time when social media wasn’t a focal point in your life?

It’s human nature for us to seek connection with others. In fact, being hard-wired for connection is baked into our DNA, as much a part of our core nature as the need for food and water. In many cases, we proactively seek out those who share similar feelings and ideas on the topics we care about the most. The explosion of social media has only fed this hunger for connection and belonging. Our need to share and follow and like, and to be liked, on social platforms has only grown and there’s no end in sight. 

Social Media and Your Brand

Although there are some bad actors out there in the social media universe, the positive impact it has on organizations and personal brands cannot be denied. But there’s so much to know! Have you asked yourself these questions?

· How often should I post? 

· How should I interact with my followers? 

· What’s the best content for me to post?

If you ever find yourself scratching your head over how best to navigate your brand’s social media presence, we’ve got you covered.

7 Social Media Facts for Businesses

1. Engage with your audience

It’s great to post to your site – but don’t stop there. Are you also interacting with your followers? Engagement is key. When members of your business network post their content to your page or group, give them a little love by liking it or, better yet, commenting on their posts. Take it a step further and share their posts! Social media marketing is about relationship building.

2. 80/20 rule

If your social media platform is used for your business, the primary use of your accounts is to sell your products or services, right? WRONG! 80% of your posts should be content that’s helpful and informative for your audience (like we’re doing here). Only 20% of your content should be directly tied to the services you provide. As noted by BrandMuscle.com, people don’t go on social media to see advertisements. They log on because they’re bored and want connection, entertainment, inspiration or information that can improve their lives. 

3. Be mobile-friendly

According to StatCounter, 51.3% of web visits originate from mobile devices as opposed to 48.7% that originate from desktops. What does this mean for you? Make sure your platforms are set up to be visually pleasing on a cell phone and tablet, as well as on your desktop.

4. Best social media platforms to utilize

To get the best bang for your business buck, it’s important that you utilize the most effective platforms for your social media marketing. We listed the top sites you should be using for your business:

· Facebook

· Pinterest

· Twitter

· LinkedIn

· Instagram

5. Top content to post

There are so many options to choose from when it comes to posting content for your business. It can be confusing to know which ones have the potential to create the biggest impact. Although the content available for you to utilize largely depends on the tools and resources you have at your disposal, we put together a list of the top options for you to consider: 

· Blogs

· Videos

· Case studies

· Funny content

· Inspirational quotes 

· Polls and surveys

· Sharing employees’ experiences

6. To tag or not to tag

This question comes up a lot. Many business owners feel the need to tag as many of their followers as they can in their posts. Tagging is generally an effective strategy, as it can help drive traffic to your page and many of your followers will appreciate the shout-out you’ll be giving them. But it’s also important to understand that some people may be uncomfortable being called out in your posts. Before you start tagging, think through why you want to tag. Is it to encourage these individuals to help promote your business? Are you trying to start a dialogue? Make sure your tags enhance your content and the experience for your audience. 

7. Have fun!

Bottom line, if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. Mix things up and find ways to be creative. Think outside the box. Try live videos to keep your content conversational and engaging for your audience.  Always remember that no matter what your business is, you’re still YOU. Have fun!

1 Myth

1. You have to post multiple times per day

This is a big myth about social media marketing. As a business owner, it’s nearly impossible to post 2 – 5 times a day, when you have your business to run and all your other competing priorities. A general rule of thumb for Facebook and LinkedIn is to post 5 times per week. As noted in Digital Agency Network, always prioritize quality over quantity. Don’t get caught in a trap of multiple daily posts, only to lose your brand power with mediocre content.


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